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Little Learners

At Central Primary, learning starts at two. Our two-year old provision is often a child’s first venture alone into the larger world outside the family home. What children experience and learn in Little Learners creates strong and lasting foundations on which to build in later life, so we believe it is essential that the experiences are of the highest quality. By working in partnership with parents, we aim to provide a stimulating, challenging environment which is a warm, friendly extension of home. Here, children and adults can explore, have fun, play, talk and learn together, developing as happy, confident and independent individuals within our community. Our provision is predominantly child led, using our observations of the children at play to inform our planning. Staff also lead activities, introducing children to new and different experiences. The environment is regularly adapted and changed based on these observations in order to stimulate, challenge and progress children’s learning.

In Little Learners, we ensure children develop understanding of basic mathematical concepts through concrete and pictorial representations. Reinforcement is achieved by going back and forth between these representations, using real life experiences to support  children's mathematical understanding.  Developing a love of reading is a key focus in Little Learners.  A core selection of texts are carefully chosen to ensure children have access to daily storytelling sessions and opportunities to act out familiar stories and rhymes. Practitioners model reading skills on a daily basis in order to develop a positive reading culture, where children can foster a love of reading information and knowledge, as well as for pleasure. Children are provided with a range of exciting experiences linked to their current key text.


The various areas where children can play in little learners.