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Meals & Payments

School Lunch

For information about FSM vouchers and food parcels, please see Facebook or ring 01670 813111 and ask to speak to Natasha Miller.

Our school meals are cooked in our own kitchen on each site and we operate a three weekly rolling menu. Each day children can choose from the selection of a main meal and sweet. A vegetarian option and yoghurt or fresh fruit salad option for sweet are also available. Jacket potatoes with filling of tuna or cheese are available on our upper site.

School lunches run on a three week rota and the menu is changed termly. The price of a school meal costs £2.40 per day. The current menu is available for you to view on the bottom of this page and is displayed in several places throughout the school.

Under the Governments Universal Free School Meals scheme, school meals are currently free for pupils in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 on our Lower Site. Dinner money for pupils on our Upper Site can be paid weekly or termly by cheque, cash or over the telephone by debit card. Cheques should be made out to Central Primary School and all payments handed into school should be put in an envelope, clearly marked ‘Dinner Money’, with your child’s name, class and how much is enclosed on the front. Pupils should place their envelope in the dinner money mail box situated outside the main office. Any changes with regard to school meals will be mentioned in our newsletter.

Break times

On our lower site pupils are provided with fresh fruit every day at no cost through the School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme (SFVS) to help your child achieve 5 A DAY.

Children on the Upper Site are welcome to bring in a healthy snack such as fruit.


Milk is available to all pupils and should be ordered a term in advance. Parents will be sent information on how to order and costs for the term. Pupils under the age of five for the full term and pupils and who are in receipt of FSM are entitled to free milk.